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How Long Will My Colored Contacts Last?

Apr 27,2022 | Unicoeye® | Colored Contact Lenses

Disposable colored contacts will last the same amount of time as their non-colored counterparts, and as such, their lifespan will depend on their reusability—that is, whether they are meant to be replaced daily, monthly, or yearly. Each of these varieties has its own set of characteristics, and their suitability to each person's situation will vary depending on factors such as how often they are worn and the wearer's budget.


Colored Contact Lenses Types & Benefits

Daily contacts can be worn for a single day before being thrown away, and they are considered very convenient and easy to carry, they can be worn directly without soaking in care solution. But because a new pair is required every day, they tend to be more expensive than other options. Additionally, because they are made to be disposed of after a day of wear, they are also more fragile and may break easily.


Monthly contacts are a good option for those seeking both an affordable price and a reasonable replacement schedule. Thanks to their thin design, these lenses have a low water content, making them less likely to exacerbate dry eyes and provide a more comfortable experience for new wearers. They are also more durable than daily contacts and are less likely to break. Monthly contacts need to be replaced monthly and provide a balance of affordability with utility, making them accessible to a greater variety of people, particularly those with tighter budgets.


Yearly contacts last about 8–10 months and are the stiffest, most durable option for soft contacts. They hold their shape the best, are the cheapest of the three and are the easiest to wear for those with little experience.


Eye Health

Daily contacts benefit from being relatively hygienic due to not coming in contact with as much eye debris as those worn repeatedly over long periods. This also negates damage to the wearer's eyes over time due to that debris being trapped beneath the lenses.


Monthly contacts, despite being worn more than daily contacts, are still quite sanitary when properly cared for and can be trusted to preserve eye hygiene for wear. Because their low water content reduces the occurrence of dry eye, these lenses prevent the loss of the eyes' vital moisture.


Yearly contacts require the most care by the wearer to maintain their sanitation. Due to their extended period of use, debris buildup is also more likely, and if not properly cleaned, bacteria growth and eye infection can occur.


Making a Decision

All in all, only you can decide which contacts are right for you, but now that you've read up on the pros and cons of each kind, you can take the first step toward building a collection of your favorite pairs at!

